
Invitation for Qualifies Reviewers in Editorial Boards 

We are looking for dedicated professionals and individuals committed to publication excellence to join the Research, Innovation and Technologies - Hub for Academics as members of the Editorial Board for our scientific peer-reviewed Journals and Book Series.

Roles and Qualifications:

We welcome experts at any stage of their career, including early-career researchers, mid-career professionals, and senior academics. Ideal candidates are those with experience in publishing their own papers and a desire to contribute to the academic community, individuals who have significant expertise in their field, experts with substantial knowledge and experience in their industry.

The primary qualifications are a solid understanding of the subject matter, a commitment to providing constructive feedback, and a dedication to maintaining the integrity and quality of our publications.

How to Apply:

Interested applicants are invited to apply by submitting their ORCID/Google Scholars H-Index or a detailed CV along with a list of publications to

Your contribution to reviewing papers will be greatly appreciated and will play an important role in maintaining the high standards of our publications.

We look forward to your application and to the possibility of working together to further the pursuit of academic excellence.