
Education and Development of Talented Employees in Relation to the Performance of Multinational Organizations with Regard to Globalization

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Investments in the human resources management process, together with the development and training of talented and high-performing employees lead to increased employee performance and quality of service provided, self-fulfillment and employee satisfaction, loyalty to the organization and retention of such employees. The training of talented employees in the rapidly changing global market has had to undergo changes and introduce more innovative methods to support the development, training and retention of employees. We can state that the identification and management of talents, including the training and development of talented employees, is the biggest challenge for organizations in the field of human resources management today and will remain so in the foreseeable future. Under the influence of globalization, organizations in all sectors recruit talented people who play an increasingly important role, thus confirming the fact that talent management is becoming the fastest growing global trend in human resource management. The paper provides an analytical view of the current need for education and development of talented employees and examines the relationship between the impact of globalization on the process of education and development of talented employees and the performance development in multinational organizations operating in Slovakia. For the needs of the research, a scientific research hypothesis was formulated. The hypothesis was verified by statistical correlation analysis using two correlation coefficients. The aim of the analysis was to find out the regularity, context and developmental tendencies of mass phenomena.

How to cite:

Tomčíková, L. (2020). Education and Development of Talented Employees in Relation to the Performance of Multinational Organizations with Regard to Globalization. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, Volume XV, Fall, 3(69), 570-578.


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