
Models of Interdependent Equations of Patents from Expenditures and Employees in Research and Development from European Union Countries with Different Levels of Innovation

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  • Jan ZWOLAK Faculty of Economy and Finance, University of Technology and Humanities of Radom, Poland

The aim of this study is to identify the regressive dependence of patents on research and development (R&D) expenditures or the number of R&D employees in models with interdependent equations in countries above and below the European Union (EU) innovation average belonging to the EU in 2016 and 2019. In addition, the marginal and average resource and labor intensity of patents in countries with different levels of innovation in the years under study are determined. The research results indicate that countries above the EU average for innovation have the lowest average patent resource and labor intensity. By contrast, countries below the EU average for innovation have the highest average patent resource and labor intensity.

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How to cite:

Zwolak, J. (2020). Models of Interdependent Equations of Patents from Expenditures and Employees in Research and Development from European Union Countries with Different Levels of Innovation. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, Volume XV, Winter, 4(70): 726-737.


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