
The Nexus Between Taxation and Gender-Based Informality: Evidence from Nigerian Enterprise Survey Data

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  • Suleiman TAHIR Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of Nigeria, Federal Ministry of Finance, Nigeria
  • Ahmadu SANDA Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Nigeria
  • Dal DIDIA Department of Business Administration, Jackson State University, Mississippi, USA
  • Baban HASNAT Department of Business Administration, State University of New York, Brockport, USA

Using the Nigerian enterprise survey data, this paper examines whether there is a gender dimension in the capacity of informal firms to contribute to tax revenues, a more specific question asked is whether tax rates and female gender ownership effects informality. Gender categorisation of the firm’s ownership shows an overwhelming dominance of men holding over women, with a favourable ratio of 6:1 of the total sample. The results of the investigation on firms owned by females revealed that they are more likely to remain in the informal sector. By using the cross-sectional logit regression approach, we found no statistical significance between tax rates and a firm’s propensity to join the informal sector. It explains a typical scenario where the tax rates mechanism has failed to transmit effectively. Finally, we attained a divergent policy indication that suggests tax compliance enforcement and incentivising female firms’ owners, among other measures. 

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How to cite:

Tahir, AS., Sanda, A., Didia, D., Hasnat, B. (2022). The Nexus Between Taxation and Gender-Based Informality: Evidence from Nigerian Enterprise Survey Data. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, Volume XVI, Fall, 3(77), 237–249.


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