
Do Researchers Affect Economic Growth?

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The great scientific development and the great technology, which turned the globe as a whole into a small village, were not the product of a moment or a coincidence, and this great development did not come out of an empty, but was thanks to a considerable and difficult effort, and the enormous contributions of many scientists, inventors and researchers from various regions They have spent their lives studying, researching, contemplating, serving science and various sciences, with sincerity and dedication to advancing themselves and for all of humanity. Without these scientific revolutions and the great effort, they have made, we would not have achieved this great scientific and technological progress which our current era is witnessing at all levels. In this article, using a database that includes 104 countries during the period 1996 -2018, we seek an answer to the following question: Do researchers stimulate economic growth?

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How to cite:

Bakari, S. (2022). Do Researchers Affect Economic Growth? Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, Volume XVII, Winter, 4(78): 419 – 431.


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