
Social Entrepreneurship: A General Preview and Development Factor Analysis

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  • Marija LUGONJIĆ Faculty of Business Studies and Law University “Union – Nikola Tesla”, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Ružica USKOKOVIĆ Faculty of Business Studies and Law University “Union – Nikola Tesla”, Belgrade, Serbia

The global development of society dictates changes in the field of economy, technology and, inter alia, the importance of the responsibility of the individual to society. We know that the changes dictated by various forms of promotion on the one hand and on the other hand of very aggressive marketing forms of organization have also recently caused reactions by individuals and society as a whole, who, despite consumer-driven market practices, want higher rates socially responsible behaviour of organizations. 

With regard to the all-round development of both the economy and society, social entrepreneurship is an inevitable consequence of the orientation towards the perception of entrepreneurship in terms of strengthening social solidarity and the greater interaction of social good in the concepts of business operations. Where is the future of the development of the entrepreneurial profession, and is social enterprise capable of overtaking existing forms of entrepreneurship? The answer would be accompanied by the fact that the incentive to increase social entrepreneurship in the last decade has been created with a similar reason than in the wake of the development of the social economy. 

The financial and economic crisis in the European Union has diminished confidence in the market, products and services and to managers at the global level. Generating a "new" form of entrepreneurship was therefore a logical consequence of distrust in the free market and capitalism. Therefore, with the help of social entrepreneurship and social enterprise, the confidence building was built primarily on the market itself, and a higher level of tendency towards the development of this kind of activity was established. Slovenia followed the development with the social enterprise justification with the Social Entrepreneurship Act, the content of which was partly presented in the paper. 

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How to cite:

Lugonjić, M., and Uskoković, R. (2023). Social Entrepreneurship: A General Preview and Development Factor Analysis. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, Volume XVIII, Fall, 3(81), 169 – 174.

Article’s history: 

Received 21st of August, 2023; Received in revised form 25th of September, 2023; Accepted 27th of September, 2023; Available online: 30th of September, 2023. Published 30th of September, 2023 as article in the Volume XVIII, Fall, Issue 3(81).


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