
Import Dynamics in the Central and Eastern European Countries

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The dynamics of imports in Central and Eastern European countries are closely related to foreign direct investment and government policies. By reducing tariff and non-tariff barriers to imports and promoting trade and investment liberalization, governments can attract foreign capital and diversify the range of products and services available in the host economy. This interconnection between imports and foreign direct investment can have a positive impact on economic development and global integration, depending on national strategies and policies. The article examines the dynamics of imports in Central and Eastern European countries in relation to foreign direct investment and government policies and aims to identify trends, import differences, and adjustments made by each country to improve their economic development. The research highlights the ongoing evolution of international trade in the region and advocates for a strategic approach to trade and economic policy for economic expansion and resilience to external shocks.

How to cite:

Mărgărita, I. A., & Bratu, R. S. (2024). Import dynamics in the Central and Eastern European Countries. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, Volume XIX, Summer, 2(84), 147–168.


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