
Assess the Impact of Blockchain Application in Electronic Commerce on Customer’s Shopping Experience

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Technology is increasingly disruptive, and economic transformation according to technology development is inevitable. Especially the field of E-commerce is constantly catching up with that development. We can easily see the development and importance of e-commerce in Vietnam and worldwide after the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, to attract and get customers online, businesses need to come up with solutions to increase the customer experience when shopping for their products. And the solution to this problem is the application of blockchain technology (blockchain) to e-commerce. Customer experience when shopping on e-commerce platforms with blockchain application is influenced by factors such as perceived risk, security, transparency, information synchronization, cost savings. To carry out this research, the research team conducted a survey and analysis based on 402 most suitable survey questionnaires, then conducted an assessment of factors affecting the shopping experience of customers when applying blockchain to e-commerce using Smart PLS 4.0 software and SPSS software. The survey was conducted with customers who have experience buying on e-commerce. The results of this research paper are a premise for many other future studies related to blockchain technology and draw out the governance implications for Vietnamese businesses in improving the shopping experience of customers when applying blockchain technology to e-commerce. In addition, the research results also help shoppers access the benefits of blockchain technology, helping customers feel more secure and confident when buying on e-commerce.

How to cite:

Nguyen Thi Phuong, G., Thai Dong, T., Nguyen Binh Phuong, D., Le Huu, H., & Chau Huyen, T. (2024). Assess the impact of blockchain application in electronic commerce on customer’s shopping experience. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, Volume XIX, Fall, 3(85), 305 – 316. 


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