
Enhancing Chatbot Intent Classification using Active Learning Pipeline for Optimized Data Preparation

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This study presents a novel approach to enhancing chatbot intent classification through an optimized data preparation combined with Active Learning. We applied the clustering mechanism using a state-of-the-art sentence-transformers model with cosine similarity for cluster detection in order to categorize messages. This process was further refined through a dedicated Active Learning Pipeline, which focused on the most essential observations for labeling. Incorporating externally sourced labeled data from Scale AI, the labeling process was fine-tuned iteratively, until the model's performance stabilized. This approach shows promise for various datasets and tasks, suggesting a scalable solution for preparing data for supervised modeling and achieving optimal model performance in real-world commercial chatbot scenarios.

How to cite:

Kuligowska, K., & Kowalczuk, B. (2024). Enhancing chatbot intent classification using active learning pipeline for optimized data preparation. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, Volume XIX, Fall, 3(85),  317 – 325. 


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