The Value of Case Study Research in Practice: A Methodological Review with Practical Insights from Organisational Studies
This research provides an in-depth review of the literature on case studies as a strategic qualitative research methodology. While case studies have faced criticism for lacking scientific rigor and failing to address generalizability, this research underscores their value when examining complex, real-life processes or activities in great detail. Case studies have been widely used in social sciences, such as sociology, industrial relations, and anthropology, though they are sometimes considered an underutilized approach. This research explores the general concepts, strengths, and limitations of the case study method, noting its theoretical richness and ability to generate data that is contextually and empirically rich. It emphasises the versatility of case studies in creating a more holistic understanding of the subject matter. Based on a study involving four organisations and the researcher’s practical experience, the article details how case studies were conducted, how access to organisations was gained, and how data collection was systematically managed. The research also highlights the use of triangulation employing multiple data collection techniques, including observations and document analysis, which enhances the reliability and validity of findings.
Copyright© 2024 The Author(s). This article is distributed under the terms of the license CC-BY 4.0., which permits any further distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Annamalah, S. (2024). The value of case study research in practice: A methodological review with practical insights from organisational studies. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, Volume XIX, Winter, 4(86), 485 – 498.
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