Work and Pay in Poland. The Minimum Wage's Impact on Labour and Economic Systems
This paper explores the impact of minimum wage policies on labour markets and economic systems, focusing on the broader consequences for workers, employers, and national economies. The paper examines both theoretical perspectives and empirical studies to assess the effects of minimum wage adjustments on employment levels, income distribution, and economic performance. Drawing on a combination of theoretical frameworks and empirical data, this paper highlights the complex relationship between wage policies and broader societal issues, such as poverty reduction, social equity, and economic growth. An attempt has also been made to analyse changes in the minimum wage in Poland over the period 2010-2024, providing a case study to understand the real-world effects of these policy shifts in a transitioning economy. Ultimately, it offers insights into the role of minimum wage policies as tools for achieving social justice and economic stability, with recommendations for optimising these policies to balance the needs of workers, employers, and national economies.
Copyright© 2024 The Author(s). This article is distributed under the terms of the license CC-BY 4.0., which permits any further distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Slowik, D. (2024). Work and pay in Poland. The minimum wage's impact on labour and economic systems. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, Volume XIX, Winter, 4(86), 511– 517.
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