Service Quality in Voluntary Property Insurance: A SERVQUAL-Based Approach for Poland and the USA
Jarosław WENANCJUSZ PRZYBYTNIOWSKI Department of Management, Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Poland
Stanisław BORKOWSKI Department of Quality Management and Intellectual Property, Kielce University of Technology, Poland
Wacław GIERULSKI Department of Quality Management and Intellectual Property, Kielce University of Technology, Poland
Anna SABAT Department of Management, Faculty of Business and International Relations, Vistula University, Poland
This study investigates the evolving dynamics of service quality in the voluntary property insurance market, focusing on the integration of Polish and USA insurance companies within their respective internal and external environments. The primary aim is to evaluate the competitiveness of this market from the perspective of individual clients, with a specific emphasis on improving service quality. Employing a SERVQUAL-based framework, this research diagnoses key factors influencing service excellence and explores the processes involved in enhancing the quality of voluntary property insurance services in both Poland and the USA.
A key achievement of this work is the comprehensive analysis of literature, identifying definitional criteria and conceptual underpinnings related to service quality improvement. The findings highlight potential areas for action and unresolved issues in the ongoing efforts to elevate the standards of property insurance services. As a result, a novel model for improving the quality of insurance services has been developed and described. This model introduces a new perspective on service quality, offering new tools for measuring, analysing, and assessing the improvement process. The study provides valuable insights into service quality enhancement, offering a practical, research-driven framework that insurers and policymakers can leverage for advancing customer service standards in voluntary property insurance.
Copyright© 2024 The Author(s). This article is distributed under the terms of the license CC-BY 4.0., which permits any further distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Przybytniowski, J. W., Borkowski, S., Gierulski, W., Dziekański, P., & Sabat, A. (2024). Method of assessing the improvement of service quality. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, Volume XIX, Winter, 4(86), 457 – 469.
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