
Anxiety and Psychosomatics: The Way in Which Anxiety States and Disorders Affect the Body

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The awareness of the relationship between mind and body is far from being new. Until about 300 years ago, every medical system in the world treated the mind and body as a whole. But, starting with the 17th century, the Western world began to see mind and body as two distinct entities. According to this view, the body was seen as a kind of machine, complete with independent, replaceable parts, without any connection to the mind. In the 20th century, this view gradually began to change. Teams of researchers began to study the mind-body connection and, scientifically, proved the existence of the complex connection between the body and the mind. 

The purpose of this paper is to verify if anxiety represents one of the determinant and triggering factors of the psychosomatic diseases and disorders, especially in the context of the pandemic period from the last three years and of the global crisis, by conducting a study involving two groups of people. By analysing the results of the evaluation instruments used for the two groups, we have found out that anxiety, as a trait, leads to psychosomatic diseases.

Article’s history:

Received 1st of November, 2023; Received in revised form 25th of November, 2023; Accepted 11th of December, 2023; Published as article in Volume I, Issue 1, 2023.

Copyright© 2023 The Author(s). This article is distributed under the terms of the license CC-BY 4.0., which permits any further distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Keywords: anxiety, psychosomatics, mind-body connection.

How to cite:

Goga-Vigaru, R. P. (2023). Anxiety and psychosomatics: The way in which anxiety states and disorders affect the body Journal of Contemporary Approaches in Psychology and Psychotherapy, 1(1), 55 - 67.

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