
Exploring the Relationship of Self-Compassion and Gratitude: A Multidimensional Analysis Among Sports Professionals

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The aim of this research is to investigate the intricate connection between self-compassion and gratitude among athletes using a multidimensional approach. By delving into the dimensions of both self-compassion and gratitude, this study aims to uncover how these two psychological constructs interact within the context of sports. Through comprehensive analysis, we seek to understand how self-compassion and gratitude manifest in athletes' lives and how they may influence each other. This exploration is vital for enhancing our understanding of the psychological dynamics within sports environments, potentially offering insights into strategies for promoting well-being and performance among athletes. A descriptive research design was employed, with correlational and independent t-test analyses conducted to explore relationships and gender-based differences. Pre-therapy data collection involved assessing participants' baseline levels of negative traits, such as fear, anxiety, depression, and worry, using validated scales, questionnaires, and interviews. Data simulation involved generating random integer values within specified ranges to initialise pre-therapy scores for fear, anxiety, depression, and worry, thereby creating a diverse participant group.

Results reveal no significant relationship between gratitude and self-compassion, nor any gender-based differences. However, cognitive-behavioural therapy significantly reduced fear, anxiety, depression, and worry among participants. The p-values of 0.0000 for all measures indicate highly significant differences between pre-therapy and post-therapy scores, affirming the therapy's effectiveness. This highlights the importance of cognitive-behavioural interventions in addressing psychological well-being. While this study provides insights into gratitude and self-compassion among volleyball players, further research is needed to explore interventions enhancing these psychological factors.

How to cite:

Pothakani, M. Y., Benedict, S. M., & Amritha, K.S. (2024). Exploring the Relationship of Self-Compassion and Gratitude: A Multidimensional Analysis Among Sports Professionals, Journal of Contemporary Approaches in Psychology and Psychotherapy, Volume II, Issue 2, 7 – 22.


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