
The Relationship Between Education Level, Age, and Socio-emotional Intelligence in Adults: An Exploratory Analysis

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The modern society has challenged social interaction that has undergone significant changes due to the social and cultural transformations they experience. Consequently, the role of socio-emotional intelligence has become paramount for individual success and the quality of life. In this context, the present study aimed to investigate how age and education level, as independent factors, might influence the development of socio-emotional intelligence skills, which are essential in everyday life. The research sample consisted of 340 participants from the Romanian counties of Dolj, Olt, Mehedinți, Vâlcea, and Gorj. We used the IPIP socio-emotional intelligence scale to measure the level of socio-emotional intelligence, while age was recorded as a quantitative variable and education level as a qualitative variable (categorized as medium and higher education). 

The results indicated no significant differences in socio-emotional intelligence levels between individuals with medium and higher education (t=1.21, df=378, p=0.22, as p=0.22, p>0.05). Regarding the age factor, a positive and significant correlation was found between socio-emotional intelligence levels and the age of adults (r=0.56, p=0.02), concluding that as age increases, the level of social and emotional intelligence tends to be higher.

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Ghiță, R.C., & Sicrea, C. C. (2024). The relationship between education level, age, and socio-emotional intelligence in adults: An exploratory analysis. Journal of Contemporary Approaches in Psychology and Psychotherapy, Volume II, Issue 2, 51 – 66.  


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