
Balancing Leadership Styles for Sustainable Public Sector Efficiency

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The study analyses the influence of various leadership styles - autocratic, transactional, transformational, and laissez-faire - on the efficiency and sustainability of public institutions. By applying the Spearman correlation coefficient, the research identified significant interrelationships among these leadership styles. The results showed that transactional and transformational styles are closely correlated, suggesting a synergy in promoting efficiency while uphold human rights principles. In contrast, the autocratic style is negatively correlated with the other styles, underscoring its limitations in fostering participatory and adaptive governance. Interestingly, laissez-faire leadership is positively linked to both transformational and transactional styles, emphasising the importance of autonomy in cultivating innovative and resilient organisational environments. The findings highlight that achieving a balance between diverse leadership approaches is essential for driving sustainable development within the public sector. This research provides actionable insights for public sector leaders, emphasising the role of adaptability, integrity, and collaborative leadership in advancing organisational performance and fostering sustainable institutional growth.

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How to cite:

Riza, I. & Bogdan, A. M. (2024). Balancing Leadership Styles for Sustainable Public Sector Efficiency. Journal of Global Sustainability and Development, Volume I, Issue 1, 81 – 93.


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