
The Impact of Digitalization and Trade Openness on Economic Growth: New Evidence from Richest Asian Countries

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The aim of this investigation is to check the impact of digitalization and trade openness on economic growth for top ten richest Asian countries. Static Gravity Model and Generalized Method of Moments Model were estimated. We found that digitalization and trade openness have a significant positive effect on economic growth. These results prove that trade openness and digitalization is a source of economic growth for richest Asian countries. Due to the magnitude of the positive externalities attached to the trade openness and digitalization, in terms of technology transfer bias, financial capacities, economic policies, human expertise, plenty of natural resources, large markets size, and spillover effect added to the domestic capacities and the national investment, the pace of the phenomenal economic performance of the Asian economies is very well marked.

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Bakari, S., El Weriemmi, M., & Mabrouki, M. (2022). The Impact of Digitalization and Trade Openness on Economic Growth: New Evidence from Richest Asian Countries. Journal of Research, Innovation and Technologies , Volume I, 2(2), 95-106.


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