
Improving Micro-, Small and Medium Enterprise’s Access to Start-up Financing in ASEAN Countries

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  • Raluca MARAN Alumna, Economics Department Université d’Angers , France

Lack of access to finance constitutes a major setback to the development of the micro-, small and medium-sized enterprise (MSME) sector in the countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). MSMEs are confronted with stringent funding constraints in traditional lending and capital markets, in particular at the early stages of their activity. Demand and supply of capital to MSMEs thus entails more complex issues compared to the larger firms. This paper presents a number of policy actions that have the potential to mitigate the financing challenges faced by MSMEs in ASEAN at the start-up stage by enhancing the potential of alternative funding sources such as business angel investment, crowdfunding, venture capital investment and SME stock markets.

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How to cite:

Maran, R. (2022). Improving Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Access to Start-up Financing in ASEAN Countries. Journal of Research, Innovation and Technologies, Volume I, 2(2), 121-139. .03


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