
Research on the Interconnections between Human Capital and the Education System in Romania

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The progress of a society depends on and can only be sustained through permanent education, which implies the acquisition of new knowledge, and in this way human capital can be exploited to the maximum. Through education, any individual acquires the ability to develop his potential, and in order to do this, he must undertake a process of education through which he accumulates knowledge and skills, harmoniously develops his personality, as well as shapes his character. Through education and culture, creativity, adaptability, but also other necessary qualities are developed, and as the finality of education, insertion and social integration are of particular importance for any graduate, contributing to his fulfilment from several points of view, material, spiritual, moral.

The article analyses the participation in education of the Romanian population, the evolution of the teaching staff and the general expenses for education in the period 2010-2021.

© 2022 The Author(s). Published by RITHA Publishing. This article is distributed under the terms of the license CC-BY 4.0., which permits any further distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

How to cite:

Gruescu, R. M. (2022). Research on the Interconnections between Human Capital and the Education System in Romania. Journal of Research, Innovation and Technologies, Volume I, 2(2), 155-162.


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