
The Potential of ICT Tools for Achieving Better Achievement in Learning English for Specific Purposes in the Context of Hybrid Learning

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Educational technology as an interdisciplinary field whose subject of study is the effective use of modern technology in education is very significant when we talk about changes within the educational system. Bearing in mind that educational technology includes both means and procedures used in the teaching and learning process, the goal of its application is to increase the efficiency of the teaching process itself, as well as student achievement in learning. The paper is based on the assumption that the application of ICT tools in the teaching ESP has the potential to contribute to the success of students in mastering the desired material. 

The research subject of this paper is the examination of the impact of the application of information and communication technologies in teaching on the learning ESP vocabulary at the academic level in the context of hybrid learning. With the aim of examining the mentioned impact, a survey was conducted on a convenient sample of 50 first-year students of the Faculty of Business Studies and Law and the Faculty of Information Technology and Engineering, UNION University "Nikola Tesla" in Belgrade. The obtained results are contrary to our expectations that teaching organized with the help of ICT will lead to a significant progress of the experimental group compared to the control group on the knowledge retest and indicate that although teaching generally leads to progress in the achievement of students of both groups, the use of ICT in teaching, in the way it was performed in this research makes no difference in terms of that progress.

© 2023 The Author(s). Published by RITHA Publishing. This article is distributed under the terms of the license CC-BY 4.0., which permits any further distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

How to cite:

Doloris Bešić-Vukašinović, D. & Bešić, S. (2023). The Potential of ICT Tools for Achieving Better Achievement in Learning English for Specific Purposes in the Context of Hybrid Learning, Journal of Research, Innovation and Technologies, Volume II, 1(3), 57-69. 


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