
The Relationship Between Competition, Tourism and Sustainable Development: Three Interdependent Topics

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  • Panagiotis FOTIS Hellenic Competition, Commission, Athens, Greece & Hellenic Open University, Athens, Greece
  • Maria KORRE Hellenic Open University, Athens, Greece

In recent years, there has been considerable interest in examining the relationship between tourism and sustainable development. For firms to act friendly against the environment, competition authorities must provide them with the appropriate legal certainty they need to make the necessary investments towards sustainability. Also, energy intensity flows must be kept up more closely since the empirical results point out its substantially positive contribution in terms of air pollution Therefore, policy implications should be strengthened towards more installation of renewable energy and a convergence of environmental policies towards more efficient energy use among EU countries. Energy intensity flows must be kept up more closely since the empirical results point out its substantially positive contribution in terms of air pollution.

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How to cite:

Fotis, P., & Korre, M. (2023). The Relationship Between Competition, Tourism and Sustainable Development: Three Interdependent Topics, Journal of Research, Innovation and Technologies, Volume II, 1(3), 69-76. 


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