
Advancing Multi-Level Production Defect Detection Using Quality Tools and Maintenance Optimisation

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  • Elleuch FADWA University of Economic Science and Management of Sfax, Tunisia

This study aims to advance the detection of production defects at three levels - part, material, and machine - through the application of a few quality tools with a view to proposing solutions. The research focuses on identifying and addressing the most prevalent and critical anomalies observed in the workshop. Despite existing quality control measures, production often falls short of meeting customer specifications due to machine malfunctions, inadequate operator vigilance, and inefficiencies in the maintenance processes. These challenges underscore the need for a systematic approach to visualise and address production system issues. By applying targeted quality tools, this paper seeks to optimize maintenance strategies and improve overall production performance, contributing to enhanced operational efficiency and product quality.

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How to cite:

Fadwa, E. (2024). Advancing multi-level production defect detection using quality tools and maintenance optimisation. Journal of Research, Innovation and Technologies, Volume III, 2(6), 129-139. 


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