
Connectedness, Collaboration, and Co-creation

  • Ayine NIGO School of Organisations, Economy and Society, Westminster Business School , University of Westminster, UK
  • Vincent GIBOGWE School of Organisations, Economy and Society, Westminster Business School , University of Westminster, UK

As the world we live in changes to embrace tech futures, how and what we teach in our education system will also be reshaped to keep up to date with the growing demands of the 21st century, hence the need for straightforward approaches to future Learning in the context of business and management. Our contributions to the call for book chapters in 'Digital Future in Education: Paradoxes, Hopes and Realities' will be based on the following three-sub-chapters, i.e., 1) Networking and team working, 2) Anywhere, anytime, learning, and 3) Customization for a learner-first approach. 

Our findings show that educators need to facilitate these experiences in context, and our classrooms need to reflect this model of learning. We also find out that the current and future environment for learning and teaching using the said methodology is too volatile to sustain this educational structure. Students will need to learn what they need and when they need it. Conversely, teachers will become facilitators of Learning and teaching, and students will have more control of their learning journey.

Keywords: connectedness; collaboration; co-creation; information recall; transmissive; digital future; learning and teaching.

JEL Classification: A19; A29; A39; B19; B29.

Cite this chapter:

Nigo. A, and Gibogwe. V. (2023). Connectedness, Collaboration, and Co-creation. In L., Nicola-Gavrilă (Ed), Digital Future in Education: Paradoxes, Hopes and Realities (58-78 pp.). ISBN: 978-606-95516-1-5. In Book Series Socio-Economics, Research, Innovation and Technologies (SERITHA), ISSN: 3008-4237.

Chapter's history:

Received 14th of February 2023; Revised 17th of April 2023. Accepted for publication on 20th of August 2023; Published on 30th of September 2023.