Zorana AGIĆBanja Luka College, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Organisational design is a complex framework unique to each organisation, shaping its competitive advantage. In this study, we examine the organisational design of workplaces, aiming to optimise it through job satisfaction and structure. We hypothesised that effective workplace design, guided by the distribution of labour principle, relies heavily on the role of company managers in coordinating work units. To explore this, we analysed job characteristics across three dimensions: task, knowledge, and social aspects. Using survey data, we conducted analyses to investigate the relationship between job design and job satisfaction. Descriptive statistical and correlational analyses were employed to present our findings. A well-designed organisational structure enables the creation, sharing, and utilisation of knowledge, fostering innovation, collaboration, and continuous learning. Therefore, the alignment of organisational design principles with knowledge management strategies is essential for maximising organisational performance and maintaining competitiveness in today's dynamic business environment. Our study demonstrates that organisational structure reflects the alignment of individuals and groups with work tasks and organisational objectives. This alignment enables clear definition of roles, responsibilities, and interpersonal relationships, facilitating effective monitoring and control of goal achievement. Adopting such an oriented approach enhances organisational efficiency and effectiveness.
Keywords: job design; satisfaction; organisation; work task.
JEL Classification: D22; L23; M11; M21.
Cite this chapter:
Dušanić-Gačić, S, Milovanović, M., & Agić, Z. (2024). Organisational Design and Knowledge Management. Enhancing Workplace Dynamics through Job Satisfaction and Structure. In: Knowledge Management in Economy, Technology and Education, N. Perić and O. Arsenijević (Eds.). (pp. 61-84). Book Series Socio-Economics, Research, Innovation and Technologies. RITHA Publishing. https://doi.org/10.57017/SERITHA.2024.KM-ETE.ch3
Chapter’s history: Received 23rd of September, 2023; Revised 27th of November, 2023; Accepted for publication 29th of February, 2024; Published 30th of June, 2024.