Bridging the Digital Divide: Empowering Education Through Knowledge-Driven ICT Utilization
The fast development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has revolutionized virtually every aspect of modern society, including education. Unlike conventional approaches that focus solely on the acquisition of hardware and software, knowledge-driven ICT utilization emphasizes the strategic integration of technology to facilitate knowledge creation, dissemination, and application. Exploiting the power of ICT to support teaching, learning, and knowledge management processes, education systems can transcend traditional boundaries and unlock new opportunities for learners and educators alike.
This chapter seeks to examine the latest research findings, best practices, and case studies, aiming to provide insights into the potential of ICT in education and offer practical recommendations for promoting effective ICT integration in educational settings. Through an ample review of existing literature and analysis of key trends and developments, this chapter aims to contribute to the ongoing dialogue on harnessing technology to empower education and foster inclusive learning environments.
Keywords: ICT training; information literacy; lack of knowledge; training programs; Greece.
JEL Classification: P36.
Cite this chapter: Pappas, M. (2024). Bridging the Digital Divide: Empowering Education Through Knowledge-Driven ICT Utilization. In: Knowledge Management in Economy, Technology and Education, N. Perić, and O. Arsenijević (Eds.). (pp. 217 - 247). Book Series Socio-Economics, Research, Innovation and Technologies (SERITHA). RITHA Publishing.
Chapter’s history: Received 13rd of January, 2024; Revised 17th of March, 2024; Accepted for publication 19th of May, 2023; Published 30th of July, 2024.