
Evaluating Bitcoin Price Volatility Forecasting Models: A Comparative Analysis

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This paper conducts an extensive analysis of Bitcoin return series, with a primary focus on three volatility metrics: historical volatility (calculated as the sample standard deviation), forecasted volatility (derived from GARCH-type models), and implied volatility (computed from the emerging Bitcoin options market). These measures of volatility serve as indicators of market expectations for conditional volatility and are compared to elucidate their differences and similarities. The central finding of this study underscores a notably high expected level of volatility, both on a daily and annual basis, across all the methodologies employed. However, it's important to emphasise the potential challenges stemming from suboptimal liquidity in the Bitcoin options market. These liquidity constraints may lead to discrepancies in the computed values of implied volatility, particularly in scenarios involving extreme money or maturity. This analysis provides valuable insights into Bitcoin's volatility landscape, shedding light on the unique characteristics and dynamics of this cryptocurrency within the context of financial markets.

© 2024 The Author(s). Published by RITHA Publishing. This article is distributed under the terms of the license CC-BY 4.0., which permits any further distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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Chinazzo, C., & Jeleskovic, V. (2024). Evaluating Bitcoin Price Volatility Forecasting Models: A Comparative Analysis. Journal of Research, Innovation and Technologies, Volume III, 1(5), 7-29. 


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